Charles Smith Charles Smith

Change is...

Change is hard, change is daunting, change is unforgiving, change is forgiving, change is more than you can handle sometimes, change can create opportunity, change is life affirming, change breeds fear, change breeds hope, change can make you sick, change can heal, change is demanding, change is magnanimous, change is overwhelming, change is underwhelming, change is ebullient, change is egregious, change is fractious, change is imperious, change is scurrilous, change is INEVITABLE...

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Charles Smith Charles Smith

Just Another Day...

Just another day in the JXN. I just met my new director.  I know, I have a day job to go along with my photography business. I serve two masters and yes, it is hard... very hard.  Somedays, the only thing that keeps me going is my passion. It seems to come and go, though. Now, back to the new boss. She seems to be pretty cool but is very business like. As long as she's fair I'm cool with whatever and If I'm not I guess I will get over it. Happy Tuesday, all. 

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Charles Smith Charles Smith

Theme for English C

Langston Hughes wrote a poem entitled, "Theme for English B". In this beautiful work of art, Hughes speaks of an assignment that he is given by his professor at Columbia University. He must write a one page essay on himself and it must be true. From his point of view, the assignment is more complicated than you would think because he is a young black man from a southern atlantic state going to school near Harlem. He compares himself to his professor and how far they are in their place in life. He is black, his professor is white but he concludes that their differences may not be as different as you would could assume. He says he hears New York, He likes to eat, drink, sleep, be in love, work, read, learn, and "understand life." He goes on to say just because he is "colored" does not mean he does not like the same things that people of other races like. Hughes later ends his poem by stating that he is black and his professor white  they are still a part of each other and that is clearly an American phenomenon and sometimes they both resist that sameness but regardless neither can escape it. He further states that it is room for both to learn from one another and he ends with... "This is my page from English B".

I said this to say... I am black, deeply southern and no matter where you live be it a few states over or across the wide seas, I am you, you are me, and this is my first post for "English C" 

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Random Thoughts Blog:

A good friend of mine suggested that I create a blog that gives me to the opportunity to vent. He says that Iā€™m always screaming at the top of my lungs. As a result, I decided to write about some of the things that interest me and also concern me. This page will host my random thoughts about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  

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